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Who We Are

FIRST Robotics Team 6868 Cadet Robotics was established in January 2017 out of Hilton High School in Hilton NY.  Since then the student team members and adult mentors and volunteers have been working hard to raise funds, grow as a team, and establish a strong foundation.  The team was named Finger Lakes Regional Rookie All Star in 2018, and traveled to Detroit Michigan where the team was named as one of the World Championship Rookie All Star teams.  


The mission of Hilton Robotics is to provide students the opportunity to learn and grow as problem solvers, critical thinkers, and leaders while building the self confidence and other life skills necessary to succeed in life after high school, through the guidance of teachers and mentors and the participation in FIRST Robotics Competitions.  As members of the FIRST community, we embody the values of gracious professionalism and coopertition, as laid out by FIRST founders, in order to inspire our teammates, classmates, and competitors.

"We CAN and WILL do this."


A Bit About First Robotics

"To create a world where science and technology are celebrated... where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes"

The mission of FIRST is to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders and innovators, by engaging them in exciting Mentor-based programs that build science, engineering, and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership.

March 14-18, 2018

Finger Lakes Regional Competition


March 19 - April 24, 2018

Pre-Championship Work Meetings


April 25-28, 2018

2018 First Robotics Detroit Championship


(585)-392-1000 ext. 2140

400 East Ave. Hilton, New York

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©2017 by Hilton Cadet Robotics. Proudly created with

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